Conversion: The Ultimate Edition

Set in 1990s Los Angeles, Conversion is J.F. Gonzalez's long lost first novel, finally back in print after two decades!

Ron is at a crossroads in his life. Infatuated with a mysterious woman he met at a charismatic church that caters to the Los Angeles goth crowd, Ron begins feeling increasingly weak and confused in the daylight hours...and more alive at night.

Joel is at a similar crossroads. Bored with his life, he drifts aimlessly until one night when he sees his best friend murdered by something that can only be described as a vampire.

Cindy is infatuated with vampires. She finds them sexy. She fantasizes about living forever. Surely the old horror movies got the legends wrong. They can't be soulless, bloodsucking fiends. What's so evil about desiring immortality?

In one week of bloodshed and violence, Ron, Joel, and Cindy will come together at odds with each other. One determined to destroy the creature that killed his friend, one determined to save him, and one who simply wants to stay alive... And live forever.

Includes a special introduction by Brian Keene.

Paperback ~ Kindle ~ Kobo ~ Apple ~ Nook


SURVIVOR: The Definitive Edition